Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Blah!! Blah!! Blogship!!

Sometimes I think writing blog is pointless. Why should I write blog when, nobody reads them. I have noticed that all my blogs contains some stupid stories. In fact now I am thinking about stuffing the whole story of 'me writing blogs' here. But I would not start it right away. Let me go back to the analysis part that why do I write blog.( may be unconsciously i ve already started to go blah blah about my blog story ). Well, one of the main reason is to remember what happened in my life. I am a very forgetful person. May be, someday I will read all my blogs and I will remember what I have done in my life. Actually I have already done something like this. Before starting blog here, I used to write blog at my.opera.com. It was 3 years back. I only tried it for 2-3 months and I managed to write 3-4 blogs. Later, 2 months earlier suddenly all those blogging memories came to me and I visited my old blog site and I was like, "holy shit!! what have I wrote". My writing style was really really bad. The first thing I did was, delete all of them. After that I started over again. Ops!! another story!!

So, where was I?  Another cause of writing blog is to practice something creative. Although I have not been so creative while writing, I think it's worth trying. Furthermore, I find it hard to express myself completely while writing. It is a very challenging task to do. But, when I see my complete piece of work the I feel good from inside.

I am not a good storyteller. Despite I would like to finish this blog with the story I planned to tell in the beginning. It was just a week before I started 'discrete string'. For the 8th or 9th time in my life I started to write a thriller novel and as usual was very excited about it. When I told my plan to my friend Rossi, he encouraged me. Then, I came to know that once Rosi used to write short stories and he showed me one. I was amazed by his writing style. It was excellent piece of writing. I insisted him to start a blog as I  had felt that he could write interesting and funny blogs. He said he would try. Yet he has not started writing but, the idea struck me. And here I am writing blog in bad writing style and with limited vocabulary and almost with no adjective.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


    Last month one of my close friends was refused by the girl he likes. He was very sad at that time. When he came to me to share his sorrows and feelings, he became very angry to see me smiling. I could not help it. Most of the time I smile involuntarily. Moreover, there were some funny component of his story. Though my face expression and way of talking might have been sarcastic, I believe that I was talking seriously( :D ) . Later I have found out that most of my friends avoid sharing their love-affair problems with me. Because they feel that I would make a joke out of it. One of my friends even thinks that if anyone were the only person to laugh at a break-up story,( the story he told me was funny anyway ) it would be me!! ( as if I have never been through this emotion :@ )  Most recently, my best friend warned me in advance by saying, " Orfi, stop making fun now, I'm not in that mood " before even talking about his love-affair problem.

          The title of this blog is a common advice given to me. Not that I take everything lightly, but somehow my friends think that I should be more serious at serious moments. Actually the problem is people generally expect that you gotta make your face expressionless and if possible manage some folds in your forehead to be serious. I think, people should not at least my friends should not count face expression as measurement of seriousness  specially while talking to me. They should rather measure seriousness by the internal meaning of what is being told. When someone says something trivial with a damn serious face expression the whole setting becomes extremely ironic. This is a common trick used in comedy movies. In real life in many cases I have encountered this type of situations. Generally people are so influenced by  the face expression that, most of the time they cannot realize the irony of these situations. As I am one of the chosen ones ( :P) who have extreme sense of humor, for me controlling laughter becomes too hard in such situations. For instance, try this link ( it's a damn big story ). On the other hand, one can say serious things with even smiling face or may be even with sarcasm. Therefore dear readers and specially dear friends, it is apprehended that, seriousness has got nothing to do with anyone's particularly my way of talking or face expression.