Sometimes I think writing blog is pointless. Why should I write blog when, nobody reads them. I have noticed that all my blogs contains some stupid stories. In fact now I am thinking about stuffing the whole story of 'me writing blogs' here. But I would not start it right away. Let me go back to the analysis part that why do I write blog.( may be unconsciously i ve already started to go blah blah about my blog story ). Well, one of the main reason is to remember what happened in my life. I am a very forgetful person. May be, someday I will read all my blogs and I will remember what I have done in my life. Actually I have already done something like this. Before starting blog here, I used to write blog at It was 3 years back. I only tried it for 2-3 months and I managed to write 3-4 blogs. Later, 2 months earlier suddenly all those blogging memories came to me and I visited my old blog site and I was like, "holy shit!! what have I wrote". My writing style was really really bad. The first thing I did was, delete all of them. After that I started over again. Ops!! another story!!
So, where was I? Another cause of writing blog is to practice something creative. Although I have not been so creative while writing, I think it's worth trying. Furthermore, I find it hard to express myself completely while writing. It is a very challenging task to do. But, when I see my complete piece of work the I feel good from inside.
I am not a good storyteller. Despite I would like to finish this blog with the story I planned to tell in the beginning. It was just a week before I started 'discrete string'. For the 8th or 9th time in my life I started to write a thriller novel and as usual was very excited about it. When I told my plan to my friend Rossi, he encouraged me. Then, I came to know that once Rosi used to write short stories and he showed me one. I was amazed by his writing style. It was excellent piece of writing. I insisted him to start a blog as I had felt that he could write interesting and funny blogs. He said he would try. Yet he has not started writing but, the idea struck me. And here I am writing blog in bad writing style and with limited vocabulary and almost with no adjective.